Saturday, June 23, 2018

Document pick up

Happy weekend SBWA,
We will be doing a mailing on Monday. The mailing includes your new water certificates and a copy of the bylaws. If you would like to pick yours up before Monday.... we can save a little money on the mailing. Feel free to email the secretary for the pick up location......Unless you want to use your member list to get the address. Maybe I will see ya?!

M. Dow.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Special meeting minutes

The minutes are finished from the special member meeting  to vote on the audit. If you would like a copy of these minutes please email the board at


Friday, June 15, 2018

moving quarterly meeting to July

Hello SBWA community,
The next quarterly meeting will be postponed until July, when we can end our true quarter. A June meeting ends the quarter early and therefore the information presented at the meeting doesn’t represent the true quarter. Plus two of the board members are currently out of town. The board is agreeing on a new date and location for the meeting and once that is decided the blog will be update.
Thanks for your understanding.
Happy summer!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Quarterly Meeting location changed

The next quarterly meeting will not be held at Michele Dow's house. Please email the board if you are interested in the location. Thank you.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Special Audit Vote Meeting

A letter will be mailed out to SBWA members as a follow up to the Special Audit Vote Meeting. Please look for that to be mailed out in the next few days.