An open letter to the Concerned Members of the SBWA,
This is a quick letter to update you on the current status of all of the items that have been
heavily discussed over the past few months. As you probably read in previous correspondence,
I have joined the SBWA as VP with the resignation of Katie. I admit that I was reluctant to
accept the position but I do feel I have life experience and a skill set that can be beneficial in
facing current issues. I look forward to getting things more organized and bringing the SBWA up
to date on the business items which you have mentioned, and further to those you have not but
for which I see a genuine need.
Regarding the matters of information/record requests I appreciate your zeal and thank you for
sharing in my passion for organization. We are actively pursuing this matter but I do request that
you have patience regarding the timelines involved. I believe you will appreciate that, in an effort
to make sure things are done correctly, we are in active communications with counsel. We are
acting in good faith to organize records, understand legal requirements, and comply with
informational requests as necessary. The board is a volunteer organization and has not
historically been run in such a manner as you and I so desire moving forward. The SBWA
began as a small community organization and has grown into what we have today -- that kind of
growth always comes with some growing pains but in the end we are better for it.
I must tell you that it is my intention as a member of the SBWA board to continue under a policy
of protecting our members privacy when it comes to sensitive information. I do not, for example,
believe that any given member should be able to see another members’ water usage history nor
payments, delinquencies, or other such sensitive information (legal requirements
notwithstanding). When recalling discussions held at previous meetings, I believe (and I think
you agree) that this is the general opinion of the membership. We are a community that values
our privacy and autonomy, and I intend to respect those ideals.
That said, I agree that there is a need for third party oversight and double-checking of accounts.
On this matter I must say that I am disappointed in both sides of the perceived conflict. A lack of
communication, willingness to have discussions, and move forward in a congenial manner has
resulted in a lot of unnecessary wheel spinning. The current status of business regarding an
audit is an organizational mess. I intend to rectify this in good faith and to the best of my ability.
In speaking with the board, they fully intend to conduct an audit of the books. I propose that the
committee provide a listing of three qualified firms and a recommendation for selection at
earliest convenience so that an audit firm can be chosen and mutually agreed upon by
interested parties. The sooner we can have an audit conducted, the sooner we can present the
membership with a “true and fair” view of the financial position of the SBWA. An audit should be
conducted by a qualified firm and should be conducted soon. The amount of time and resources
available to gather necessary information is limited, especially so given our voluntary nature,
and I believe we should focus that effort on providing necessary information as defined by these
experts. If, in the end, the professional reports created by said firms are insufficient for
alleviating concerns of accuracy and transparency, we can then take further action but I believe
that focusing efforts on supporting the requests of these professionals is the most prudent path
Regarding the matter of a membership vote on removing bylaw audit requirements, I implore all
sides to cordially continue the business forward. The intention of such measures are to align the
organization with the will of its membership, which the vote shall reflect. The rules of order
governing organization are a tool to expedite and organize business, not a weapon. Forgive my
saying so, but this membership is not made up of individuals who are intimately familiar with
rules of order nor proper parliamentary procedure and, as such, mistakes will be made and
grace will be required to prevent a standstill. I hope that communication can be improved and
our meetings can be more productive in the future. When, not if, I make a mistake I hope that
you would bring it to my attention immediately so that I may correct it in good faith.
We are neighbors and this is a community. A community in which I very much enjoy living.
Emotions have run high regarding some of these issues but in the end all that any of us want is
to make this a better place to live. I humbly accept the opportunity to serve and I thank you in
advance for your encouragement during my period on the board.
SBWA Interim Vice President and Chairman of the Board,
Corey Thuen
A place for information going out to the community off Spirit Bend Avenue on Seasons Hill. Also Spirit Bend Water Association and Road Information.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Monday, July 9, 2018
Quarterly Meeting Info
Our next quarterly meeting is scheduled for July 17th. The meeting will be held at the Library in Spirit Lake. It will be at 6:00 pm. If you plan on attending please email the Secretary at or please call the Secretary because the library needs to know how many people to expect.
Thank You,
Thank You,
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