Monday, April 23, 2018

Greetings Neighbors,

It’s spring and that means the potholes have woken from their hibernation and begun aggressive breeding. Also, a more lengthy newsletter to keep us all on the same page. If there is anyone out there that wants to add their section of roads to the group working on Spirit Bend, Marsili, and Snickers, we can certainly talk that over. The following update pertains to the neighbors that have chosen to work together. It will go out via the mail and email routes as normal this week.

The current roads organization, as chosen by our neighbors, is very loose. The organization is basically a coffee can where neighbors can donate cash and when a neighbor performs maintenance on the road (whether plowing, gravel purchase, etc) they can take money from the can to cover some expenses. We’re running on the honor system. There is an outline for an annual budget so we don’t overspend on things like gravel, so check in before making an order.

In order to have a more scheduled and consistent road condition, an increase in organization would be required. Your voices have been pretty clear that this is not desired. The obvious tradeoff, then, is that we are relying on neighbors to conduct road maintenance in their spare time using their own funds supplemented by the coffee can.

As the point of contact for the coffee can, I cannot demand that a neighbor perform work on the road nor can I demand someone pay. I can merely collect donations from the neighbors who choose to do so and distribute those donations to the hard-working time-generous neighbors who do the maintenance. If you’ve done work or ordered supplies and would appreciate funds to cover, let me know.

If anyone would like to change their communication preferences, please let me know. I’m happy to send monthly reminders via email(preferred to save $) or mail. For those that choose to donate annually or biannually, I’ll send out a quarterly reminder instead of monthly. If you’d like to stop receiving reminders, that’s fine as well. Just let me know.

Bruce submitted a ledger with the plowing times and equipment used throughout this winter. His neighbor rate for truck, tractor, and grader plowing through the entire winter came to $615. He’s removing his $300 annual contribution amount from that so I’ll distribute $315 to him this month. I’ll be reimbursing myself for envelopes, stamps, community center and the PO Box rental totaling $115.12. Those expenses cover the last 6 months. There is about $2500 remaining to cover spring grading costs and gravel for as much of the roads as possible. Bruce plans to do so when the weather, road conditions, and his schedule line up.

Thank you to everyone who contributes with time, equipment, and/or funds. It is much appreciated.


Aimee Thuen 
Bruce Alexander

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